Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Widget Review

For all of you who have a hard time keeping up with your favorite TV shows I’ve found the widget for you. It’s called TV Forecast and it is found on the Mac OS X Dashboard, not only does this widget allow you to keep track of all of your favorite television shows but it shows you the next air date for each shows, which is extremely helpful for the shows that are not aired every week. It will also provide a countdown until the next time the show airs, the episode title ad even a link to buy previous episodes from the iTunes store. But don’t worry you PC lovers because this application is not only created for Mac’s but it is available for PC computers as well. Computer users are not the only ones who get to experience the TV Forecast, but those with the iPhone do as well.

This widget is found under the Movies and Television category along with many other widgets pertaining to movies and television. A review titled Track Your TV Shows lists the Pro’s and Con’s for this widget. It lists the Pro’s as being,

“an attractive interface, easy to use, and iTunes store links to past episodes”

Some of the Con’s are,

“frequently breaks, limited features in iPhone application for the price, it does not intergrate with iCal”

Most of the time I think what is the purpose of some of these widgets but this one makes perfect sense why it is created and provide a type of organization for their users. The iTunes store also is able to make money by having the ability to easily access the television show through the click of the mouse to their store online.

Some more Con’s that I read in an article titled Review TV Forecast 101 for iPhone stated,

“it is not a TV guide, and it is only available for current television series”

So for all of you who want to watch your past time television shows you are out of luck. The way that this widget functions is you have to type in the television show that you are looking for, and choose your time zone. Then you have the ability to choose from a list of functions for your TV Forecast; they include TV shows that are TBA, perform time zone correction, refresh forecast automatically, and link to the iTunes Store.

I have even downloaded this widget to be on my dashboard so whenever I want to find out what shows are new or on that week I just click F12 and I am immediately able to have that given to me.

Jason Clarke wrote up a review for the Download Squad website and stated that,

“this interface is simple, clean and uses minimum space while it gives you maximum application”

The reviews for this widget seem to have greater Pro’s than Con’s. I think that if an application is as simple to use as it is functional than it is no question as to if you should use it or not. The perk of not missing another one of your favorite television shows is one major plus that made me want to download this widget.

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